Uncapped Benefits.

Salary packaging ‘uncapped’ benefits.

There are a range of benefits available to eligible employees that do not count toward the capped amounts or incur Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT), and don’t have a limit.

The most popular of these are below.

Portable electronic devices.

Package your portable electronic devices including mobile phones, laptops, smart watches and tablets. With Paywise you’ll save on the GST off the purchase price along with taking advantage of your taxable savings.

Relocation expenses.

Salary package and save on certain costs associated with employer-mandated temporary or permanent relocation.


Salary package fees, books and equipment for education related to your job, including courses at educational institutions, seminars or conferences, self-paced learning or study tours.


Salary package additional superannuation contributions and enjoy tax benefits now and additional super when you retire!

Airport lounge membership.

Enjoy the Airport Lounge Membership for less by using your pre-tax income and our discounted corporate rates.


David is a school teacher, who just picked up a Mazda CX-8 through a novated lease with Paywise. His all-inclusive novated lease packaging includes vehicle finance, fuel, insurance, registration, servicing and tyres. He just has one single deduction made from his pay each fortnight.

Believe it or not, the reduction in his take-home pay equates to only $267 per week to cover all of this, and over the life of the four-year lease he will save around $10,900

Get in touch!

To start salary packaging one of these items, call us on 1300 132 532 or speak to your employee benefits consultant.